Reports in Contract Archeology 14

David W. Keller, Richard W. Walter, and William A. Cloud
Robert J. Mallouf, Series Editor
Kelly S. Garcia, Technical Editor(s)
Center for Big Bend Studies
84 pages
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In September 2004, personnel from the Center for Big Bend Studies conducted an intensive archeological survey and site reassessment prior to the construction of the City of Presidio’s new wastewater treatment plant to satisfy federal and state requirements. The project consisted of a 100% pedestrian survey of a ca. 243-hectare block immediately east of Presidio and north of FM 170. Subsurface testing along two proposed intake corridors and one outfall corridor was accomplished with 59 backhoe trenches. Fifteen sites were evaluated including 11 new sites and 4 previously recorded sites. Eleven of the sites were historic or primarily historic in nature. No sites were located in any of the proposed pipeline corridors. Avoidance measures are recommended for 6 of the 15 sites, most of which occur along the periphery of the survey block. Artifacts collected during the project will be housed at the Museum of the Big Bend at Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas.